10 Tips to Help Declutter your Home

I keep seeing those pretty Declutter Lists on Pinterest. It’s something I keep meaning to do, but then the sofa calls me and nothing gets done! Well today I actually got off my butt and set to decluttering. My shelves were my biggest bug-bear. EVERYTHING got dumped on there, and even my boxes that were meant to keep things tidy were full of clutter. So I started off one shelf at a time, threw away rubbish like receipts and old magazines, filed away papers to keep, put things back in their right place, polished up photo frames and candle holders, and then made it look nice by doing little things like putting the books in size order, sticking photos up neatly etc. Declutter Shelves
Next I sorted out our bathroom cabinet. I threw out all the expired medicines, and then neatened things up by grouping boxes and bottles in size order and displaying my makeup more neatly. Declutter bathroom
Our kitchen table had become a laundry dumping ground, as it’s so close to our airer. There’s football kit on one of the chairs that has been sitting there for a month as football season is over, and the husband seems to have forgotten about them. And 2 bananas that he has been saving to make a banana cake with. Will he ever make it? I will let you know! Anyway, I put all the clothes away, and then polished the table and chairs, leaving a nice display of my husband’s birthday cards. Declutter kitchen table
Lastly I set to decluttering the hallway, by putting our winter coats away in our wardrobe. By just leaving out our spring coats, the space is much lighter. Declutter hallway coat rack
It was so satisfying doing this today, I sat down to watch Holby City a much happier person 🙂 I definitely recommend it. So here’s my 10 Tips to Help Declutter Your Home:
10 Tips to Help Declutter Your Home

Have fun decluttering!
Sabrina x

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24 responses to “10 Tips to Help Declutter your Home

    • It is hard work but well worth it, you feel so satisfied afterwards! You are right though, it is never-ending. Still got to do our bedroom, there’s a pile of clutter in the corner that is just growing!


  1. Loved the before and after pictures, but, the before pics weren’t that bad I was expecting it been 10 times worse. You must have a low clutter threshold, although I suppose having it on show will stop you from the epic pile of clutter. Still you did a good job. Maybe that’s what I should do, have open cupboards (take off the doors) and get rid of any boxes. I did start today to clear out my art cupboard. You have to be ruthless don’t you! Hopefully my next day off I will have that ruthless streak and clear out the back bedroom. But then, that sofa is so comfy on your day off lol.


    • Oh you are too kind! Athough you are right, without having doors I have to keep it looking a bit tidy! Yes it is all about being ruthless, I really struggled with birthday cards and the sentimentality, but no I got rid of them! Good luck with your next clearout! xx


  2. These are fantastic tips. I am always trying to declutter my house. I really need to do all the closets and hallway soon. It’s getting out of hand lately. lol Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme


  3. Ooh I feel quite inspired now! There’s a lot of ‘stuff’ in my house that needs to be sorted, although we did just pack off a huge box of books and dvds to ziffit! By the way, my son would be very happy with the folders in the top photo – he gets very upset when rainbow colours aren’t in proper rainbow order! x


  4. Man I need to take a leaf out of your book – with moving and ongoing DIY our house is one big clutter! And it feels like a massive job, but your tips are great for not getting to bogged down with it all. One room at a time right 😉 Thanks for linking up to #Thelist xx


  5. Great tips here…I definitely need a lesson in this (you should see the dining table and bookshelves!). I have to say, I LOVE all those gorgeous bright colours you have around the house! gorgeous 🙂 Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday


    • Thank you! It’s hard keeping it tidy, I’ve got to learn not to leave things on the shelves and put them back in the right place! Thank you for the compliment, I’m a big fan of pop art so it’s a bit inspired from that. I love colours! xx


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