Why I Love Facebook | #Blogtober17 Day 27

Tell me I’m not the only one who thinks this, but isn’t it amazing how Facebook has changed our lives. I can’t imagine life without it. I love the way it allows us to share moments with our loved ones across the world instantly, how it has reunited school friends from as early as primary school days. Old sixth form study room buddies. Uni mates who had just disappeared. Even teachers.


The ability to stay up to date with ex-colleagues that you used to chat with daily because you sat next to them at work for years. Admittedly without actually speaking to them. And sometimes thinking would they think it’s weird if you suddenly commented on one of their photos. Or maybe I’m being paranoid.

Being able to grow up with people you used to be so close to in real life, and now virtually going through life stages together – buying your first property, getting engaged/married, having babies, work promotions. I love how Facebook makes us feel like we are not alone in life, those people who were a big part of your life still care about you (or maybe not in some cases). All those ‘likes’ and ‘comments’, it sounds so trivial, but they make us happy.

I also love the new friendships that Facebook has brought, through my blogging mainly. In the old days, I would have thought it weird to make friends through the internet, but now it’s just a part of life. Those online blogger friends are such a support, I can’t imagine not having them.

I know it’s not for everyone, and I do have quite a few real-life friends who stay away from it, not wanting to share anything personal online, from reasons like a psycho ex, to just not being internet-savvy, to not wanting family members taking a nosy into their lives. And that’s fine.

Sometimes it can kill a friendship. In the early days, there may have been heated moments when I have deleted friends off Facebook – the cardinal sin! Apparently once you do that, the friendship is literally dead FOREVER!

I jest.

For me, I love sharing those happy moments with everyone. I love that my extended family in other countries, that I may not have been able to keep in touch with otherwise because of language barriers, I love feeling like they are a part of my life now. And friends who have moved abroad, like one of my best friends from uni who lives in Hong Kong, I love seeing photos of her life and her children in that country and being able to comment on her photos and stay in touch.

And the friendships are constantly growing with people I come across with in life, like Tyler’s old pre-school teachers, mums from Lily’s playgroups and Tyler’s class. It is such a lovely way to get to know someone in addition to chatting to them in real life.

So thank you Facebook! You’ve been a part of my life for 10 years, I’ve shared what seems like a million photos, and I can’t imagine life without you!

Sabrina x



4 responses to “Why I Love Facebook | #Blogtober17 Day 27

  1. I remember when Friend Reunited used to be the only way to connect with old school friends….hahaha
    I have been on FB for 10 years too. I got the notification last week. It is a wonderful thing but I hardly use it now for my personal life. It’s all blog related things from me. x


    • Yes Friends Reunited – what a flop! It is a shame the way it is going, as I love all the personal life stuff on facebook more than the blogging stuff 😦 x


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