Corners Of My Home | The Hallway

I know it’s not the most exciting of rooms, but I wanted to share our hallway as I spent the weekend decluttering this area. There were bags on the floor, the cupboards were full of empty boxes and clutter. Everything was stuffed in and the doors crammed shut, that whenever we opened them, stuff fell out. Anyway, now that the floor is clear, I had to take some photos before it gets cluttered again!


Before I cleared the floor, I had to squeeze the buggy in between bags and backpacks. I have now hung them on the rack, and my husband’s football bag now fits in the cupboard since I threw all the empty boxes in the recycling. Even Lily looks happy about it 😉


There was lots of mud and carrier bags under the shoe rack which I swept up. My husband uses the carrier bags for his football boots, so I stuffed them inside the boots.


There’s a distinct lack of girls shoes here – I think I need to go shopping!


The mirror above the shoe rack reflects light into this corner, which is good as there are no windows in our hallway.


Our coatrack is brilliant, I chose one with 8 double hooks so there would be maximum hanging space. I like the dark work and black traditional hooks, they are very sturdy. I got this from Homebase a couple of years ago for £20.


This little thing is useful for putting post in that we haven’t read yet. This is from Sainsburys, I do like their home range.


The hallway is L-shaped, and round the corner it looks like this.


This orange box is meant to be temporary, it’s from when I cleared out my clothes when I was pregnant, and it’s full of clothes that I intended to Ebay, but actually I can’t bear to part with them! The stripy boxes contain Lily’s cutie clothes. And the red box on top is for things I use as I leave the house, like hand cream, hairbands, lip balm. I hope to hang photos above this area in the future.


This storage unit was from Matalan, it was from the bathroom section and I love it.


Opposite that wall is a canvas print from our wedding day.


So that is our hallway.  A clear functional space. I hope to keep it clear like this!


How does your hallway look? I’m always envious of those large hallways in period houses, aren’t you?

Sabrina x

Linking up with #HomeEtc

12 responses to “Corners Of My Home | The Hallway

  1. I never think hallways are boring (glad to know I’m not completely alone in this!). Yours looks great – with 3 kids I find it a constant struggle to keep ours ordered but it is a major house goal – I always think, one day when I have the big house with a period hallway (a girl’s gotta dream, right?) mine will be beautiful too! 🙂 #HomeEtc Philippa x


  2. Oh I’m envious of your hallway – ours is so narrow! We don’t have room for a shoe rack or any storage, so it’s an ongoing battle to keep endless shoes, bags and random stuff elsewhere. Having a good tidy-up always feels great doesn’t it! #HomeEtc


  3. Ah a good hallways really sets your mood when you come somewhere. Ours has very little storage space, as we open straight to the living room. We can store some coats and some shoes but certainly not all. Yours look quite nice and roomy in comparison! #homeetc


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