Pregnancy Update Weeks 2 to 5 | Baby No. 2 | First Trimester

Hey, so as you probably have heard by now, we are expecting our baby no. 2 to be born in June this year – exciting! I kept an online diary which I’m going to share over the next few days, and then I will do a weekly update each week. I know this might be too much information for some people, so if that’s you, sorry! It’s just that those first few days before I could test, I was going crazy googling for early pregnancy symptoms, so if anyone is in the same situation and hopefully they’ll come across this and find it useful!


Week 2

So, can you know you’re pregnant as soon as you’ve conceived? I would say – yes! Although as you can’t have any proof until the day of your missed period, you think you’re going crazy. The morning after ‘the deed’, I had the most amazing deep sleep, like I haven’t had a sleep like that for years! Some time in the morning, Tyler came and slept across my tummy, which was not a usual thing at all. I thought, wow, maybe that’s a sign, like he’s helping too. I woke up at 11am feeling really good. The next day (Day 2) I just felt weird all day, I can’t explain it. My boobs felt sensitive, I felt moody. I thought I must be imagining things as it’s too early for symptoms, maybe cos I want it so bad, I’m imagining things.  The next day (Day 3) was when I went to Weston-Super-Mare with Tyler on a train adventure, so I forgot about it. Then I had 3 days at work (Weds – Fri), where like a weirdo, every time I went to the loo I kept checking my knickers for any signs, implantation bleeding or anything. I know, eurgh. I was also constantly googling on my phone for ‘early pregnancy symptoms’

Week 3

Day 9 – Monday – I usually take Tyler to playgroup, but was feeling very lazy so stayed in bed while Tyler played with his toys around me. That morning I felt slight cramping. Like period pains, but not painful. I was like, ahh – implantation! The day before, my knickers were brownish but I thought that was dirt haha. It was implantation bleeding after all, as it is usually 6 – 10 days after conception. I was now googling ‘early pregnancy kits’ but the earliest I could find was First Response 4 days before your period is due, which would be Thursday, but then I was like what if it’s negative, I’d have wasted £10 and be all sad. We stayed in all day, and when my husband came home, he was telling me all about his day. Then I blurted out, “I think I’m pregnant, but I can’t test yet and I think I’m going mad cos maybe I’m imagining all these symptoms!” He looked a bit shell-shocked like I was a bit crazy, but I definitely felt better saying it out loud.

Day 10 – I bought pre-natal vitamins from Superdrug, and starting taking them from today. I also bought 6 tests from Poundland for £3, so I could secretly take a test every day until my period was due, and if they were negative, it’s okay, each test was only 50p! Obviously today’s was negative.

Day 11 – Negative test in the morning. Went to work.

Day 12 – Negative test in the morning. Went to work. Baked cupcakes at my parents for the Big Pink Day at work the next day. The Pink Lemon Meringue cupcakes went wrong and I felt like crying! I know it was a big over-reaction, I felt sooo emotional! I knew this was a sign I might be pregnant.

Day 13 – As I had stayed at my parents, no test.

Day 14 (Saturday morning – 1 day before period was due) – POSITIVE TEST!!! I ran into the bedroom where my hubby was sleeping, jumping up and down going “I wasn’t going mad, I wasn’t imagining things – it’s positive!” I took him to the bathroom to show him the test, he was like “Aahhh!! Cashew nut!” – we’ve always refered to Tyler’s future sibling as Cashew nut, as Tyler was called Peanut, so to have him or her finally real was like ahhh! And after our first time trying – amazing! That day I was taking Tyler into London to meet my sister and cousin and we went to the London Riviera. And then we saw my friend in Deptford who was like, when are you having your second?? Errr! It was so strange having my secret, I felt so happy!

Week 4

I felt a bit nauseous at 5am on Sunday, so excited and freaking out! I looked at my test from Day 12 which I had kept, and it actually had a faint positive line after all. I could have known earlier! But it was really faint, so I didn’t realise. I spend this week and the next few weeks doing hardly anything, I’m so nervous of a miscarriage. I had a miscarriage at 5 1/2 weeks before I had Tyler. I’ve googled things not to eat or drink. I’ve cut out caffeine totally, and trying to eat more fruit and veg now. My embryo is the size a poppy seed.

Week 5

Feeling extremely tired. Too tired to pick up Tyler from my parents and drive home after work, so I had been staying at my parents to go to work. The secret was killing me, so I told my mum on Weds. I felt so much better telling her, like a huge burden off my shoulders. When I told my hubby that evening, I could tell he was upset, as we wanted it to be a big surprise announcement after Christmas, but I told him that keeping it a secret was really stressful, and stress is just not good. Saturday was Halloween at my friend’s house – she’s very inquisitive anyway, but today she was like, when are you having your second? It’s so hard to lie – usually I’m like, yeah yeah – but today I just went, um you know. She could just tell from my face, ahh you are! Then she told her other half, so when my hubby came over after football, I was like, I’m so sorry, they know! He was like, argh everyone knows before my mum! OOPS!